A project like this requires a lot of expertise. Our partners are comprised of impressive companies that are contributing their considerable resources, time, and passion to further the growth and impact of Stepping Stone Communities. We couldn’t do this alone, so thank you to the many talented experts who to support us!
For more information about our experts, click on logos to go to websites.
Joni Winkler, founder of Boom Broadcast & Media Relations is a Jeffco resident and was a Chatfield Senior High school parent. Stepping Stone founder Bryn Galisewski and one of their first participants were both Chatfield alums…striking a chord with her. Joni contributes strategy, tools, and resources to support Stepping Stone marketing and communications efforts.
GoEdison believes small business is the soul of our economy and entrepreneurship is the fuel. They also understand the problems many small businesses face. Lack of budget, stagnate growth, and unmeasurable results from lackluster marketing. Their mission impacts the wonderful small businesses of our local communities, which in return advances and excels our local economies.
© 2025 Stepping Stone Communities. All Rights Reserved. Designed by GoEdison
Shanna Falzgraf was an active and valued member of our Stepping Stone Community. Our hearts go out to her parents, Jackie and KC. Shanna will be deeply missed.